Hotelbar & Lounge
A nice time with fine wine and fantastic cocktails
You like sitting at the bar or in the hotel lounge? You find a fireplace lounge irresistible? A nice glass of wine or an interesting cocktail in hand? You can have it! The choice is yours: The bar will sit 15 people, the lounge also 15, and the fireplace lounge some 40 people. You are welcome to make yourself comfortable here and pick your favourites from our wine and cocktail menus. The wine comes - in keeping with our preference for regionality - primarily from Austria. You can create the cocktails, if you like, from countless non-alcoholic and alcoholic ingredients yourself. You also have a good chance of getting to know other guests or locals here and maybe even make some new friends. A nice conversation or interesting discussion can definitely ensue.
a different path than other bars
Apart from the usual cocktails, which you can simply order, we also offer "Sunset Escape", "Shining Pearl", "Queen's Ghost Kiss" and "Magic Treasure". For these cocktails, the non-alcoholic base ingredients are preset, and you top up the beverages with any alcoholic ingredients of your choice. Give it a try - mix one yourself!